"Change the story and you change perception; change perception and you change the world." Jean Houston
"Others give me tools and tactics: You change me!" (client testimonial)
Are you a Director, Executive or physician leader and feel like you want honest, candid feedback yet are struggling to identify those in the organization who you can trust to tell you what you need to hear, and not just what you might want to hear? Are you starting to think that you can raise your leadership effectiveness to a higher level, but aren't sure where to focus your energies? You've read some of the recent books yet your efforts to change behavior fall short and you revert back to old habits?
Are you an executive with someone reporting to you who you believe has great promise yet needs some additional, directed support to become more effective? The demands on your time are numerous and the board is calling for results now? You'd love to spend more time with this emerging leader yet you're struggling to find time in your calendar. An executive coach can help support leadership growth and effectiveness with sustainable results!
Viewfinder Coaching and Consulting utilizes the professional framework of the International Coach Federation to support the coach/ client relationship. Our team of coaches have met the rigorous standards of our profession and stay current on new developments and tested theories to support your growth. Coaching can be provided in person or via the phone for your convenience. In-person observation is often used to promote learning and in the moment behavior change.
Are you a Director, Executive or physician leader and feel like you want honest, candid feedback yet are struggling to identify those in the organization who you can trust to tell you what you need to hear, and not just what you might want to hear? Are you starting to think that you can raise your leadership effectiveness to a higher level, but aren't sure where to focus your energies? You've read some of the recent books yet your efforts to change behavior fall short and you revert back to old habits?
Are you an executive with someone reporting to you who you believe has great promise yet needs some additional, directed support to become more effective? The demands on your time are numerous and the board is calling for results now? You'd love to spend more time with this emerging leader yet you're struggling to find time in your calendar. An executive coach can help support leadership growth and effectiveness with sustainable results!
Viewfinder Coaching and Consulting utilizes the professional framework of the International Coach Federation to support the coach/ client relationship. Our team of coaches have met the rigorous standards of our profession and stay current on new developments and tested theories to support your growth. Coaching can be provided in person or via the phone for your convenience. In-person observation is often used to promote learning and in the moment behavior change.
"A life of wisdom must include contemplation combined with action." M. Scott Peck
Our Model:
Viewfinder Coaching and Consulting's Executive Coaching Model is grounded in the following principles:
- Leading with Authenticity contributes to individual and organizational health
- Leadership Effectiveness is largely a result of identifying and maximizing one's strengths
- Self-Awareness and noticing is the first step to choice and lasting change
- Leadership Effectiveness is contingent on forging collaborative partnerships
- Candid and honest feedback are essential for growth
- Accountability and results-based systems support integration of new behaviors and lasting change
- Creating the time, space, and opportunity for reflection is a key to learning
- Health of Body, Mind, and Spirit are essential for effective leaders
Developing Expert Clinicians into Expert Leaders
I'm sure you've seen it before.... or, perhaps you've been one yourself! You're a great nurse, physician, or other clinician with drive and the ambition to do something more.... there's some other way that you want to make a difference. Perhaps you're the boss of someone who you see as having great potential. You are promoted, or you promote this wonderful clinician into a leadership role.... and, to your amazement, they struggle and aren't happy. What happened???
The competencies that made you a success in a care-giver role, are not the same as those that will help you to be successful in a leadership role. According to a 1995 national study published in "Physician Executive" (volume 21, issue 12), Physician leadership development should take into consideration the following:
Viewfinder Coaching and Consulting will use leadership development principles, organizational development/process consultation, and coaching to support you or your new leader in performing to their highest potential, to deliver the results you need to be successful. Our model includes the following critical elements:
The competencies that made you a success in a care-giver role, are not the same as those that will help you to be successful in a leadership role. According to a 1995 national study published in "Physician Executive" (volume 21, issue 12), Physician leadership development should take into consideration the following:
- Physician leadership training should have a strong focus on the "human side" of management, including negotiation, organizational "politics," conflict resolution, team building, and motivation.
- Self assessment, including an analysis of style, strengths, best potential organizational fit, and specific areas of strength and weakness should be an integral part of the development of an aspiring physician leader.
Viewfinder Coaching and Consulting will use leadership development principles, organizational development/process consultation, and coaching to support you or your new leader in performing to their highest potential, to deliver the results you need to be successful. Our model includes the following critical elements:
- Assessment: this may include the HoganLead Assessment Suite, Strength Deployment Inventory, Portrait of Personal Strengths, Leadership Circle Profile 360, Kolb Learning Style Inventory, and others to increase self awareness and determine priorities for development.
- Consultation re: organization competency model, assessment, and talent review process to ensure consistency and alignment
- Targeted, time-limited, results-focused development plan that includes self-directed activities and learning, as well as coaching to support application, learning, timely feedback, and results.
- Collaboration: designed to support ongoing partnership with critical stakeholders to facilitate candid feedback, dialogue, shared expectations, and common purpose
- Team Development: A leader is only as successful as his team. Getting the right players on the bus, and having them in the right seats; creating engagement, developing talent, managing conflict, and establishing accountability systems.
You have some idea of where your leadership strengths and opportunities are but you're not sure.... you'd really like honest feedback, which seems hard to find as you ascend the leadership ranks. And you're ready to take on the challenge of becoming a better leader and a more evolved individual, with a clear idea of who you are, what your purpose is, and how you want to offer your gifts.
The Leadership Circle Profile is a validated assessment tool that can help meet these goals. The strength of the tool is that, in addition to assessing 18 validated leadership competencies, like achieving results, strategic focus, mentoring and development, interpersonal intelligence, integrity, authenticity, decision-making, and more, it also assesses those thought habits that get in the way of your leadership effectiveness. Are you someone who could be more decisive if you weren't worried so much about how others would perceive you? Could you get more results by delegating more and developing others? This assessment will help cut to the chase and support you in achieving your true leadership talent!
The Leadership Circle Profile is a validated assessment tool that can help meet these goals. The strength of the tool is that, in addition to assessing 18 validated leadership competencies, like achieving results, strategic focus, mentoring and development, interpersonal intelligence, integrity, authenticity, decision-making, and more, it also assesses those thought habits that get in the way of your leadership effectiveness. Are you someone who could be more decisive if you weren't worried so much about how others would perceive you? Could you get more results by delegating more and developing others? This assessment will help cut to the chase and support you in achieving your true leadership talent!
Hogan Leadership Forecast Series: Job Fit and Development

Hogan Lead is a series of three personality assessments that help predict job fit, performance and potential derailers. HoganLead gives leaders a clear understanding of their performance capabilities, challenges, and core drivers, and provides them the strategic self-awareness that makes good leaders great.The Hogan Leadership Forecast Series includes four development-focused reports. Based on Hogan’s trademark assessments, the Hogan Personality Inventory, Hogan Development Survey, and Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory, each report offers information regarding the characteristics, competencies, and values that underlie how a leader approaches work, leadership, and interaction with others in the workplace.
Contact us to learn how you can use these tools as part of your recruitment process and/ or development.
Contact us to learn how you can use these tools as part of your recruitment process and/ or development.