"A good life is like a weaving. Energy is created in the tension. The struggle, the pull and tug are everything." Joan Erikson
If you look at research for those leaders who are most effective, you will find a common theme of an intentional practice around health, wellness, and a mind-body practice. Balance is critical... it is often in those moments of "not thinking" that the most innovative ideas appear! Viewfinder Coaching and Consulting supports your physical and mental health through exercise, nutrition, and stress management.
Physical Fitness
In "The Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal" by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz, they state that the "primary markers of physical capacity are strength, endurance, flexibility and resilience." They go on to state that these are exactly the same markers of capacity emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. One cannot expect to achieve and maintain high performance, with the ever increasing demands of our current world, without attending to mind, spirit and body. Viewfinder Coaching will assist you in creating a fitness program that meets your overall objectives and protects against overexertion and injury. Expensive equipment, and a great deal of time are not necessary. It's amazing what you can do with a stability ball, some weights and exercise tubing!
Nutritional Counseling
What's the saying about "garbage in, garbage out??" While I believe that was originally created to exemplify information systems, it also works with the body! Loehr and Schwartz indicate that the most important physical energy management strategies include:
Viewfinder Coaching and Consulting can help you create a lifestyle change, incorporating healthy eating, healthy dining out, and prepare meals when traveling, to support optimal health.
- Eating five to six small meals daily
- Eat a balanced, healthy diet
- Minimize simple sugars
- Drink 48 to 64 ounces of water daily
- Go to bed early and wake up early
- Go to sleep and wake up consistently at the same time (I've yet to manage this one!)......
- Take breaks every ninety minutes during work
- Get some physical activity daily
- Do at least two cardiovascular interval workouts and two strength training workouts a week
Viewfinder Coaching and Consulting can help you create a lifestyle change, incorporating healthy eating, healthy dining out, and prepare meals when traveling, to support optimal health.
Stress Management:
HEARTMATH: Heartmath is a form of meditation and biofeedback where you create "coherence" between your heart and your brain using gratitude and appreciation. As with biofeedback, you can slow your heart rate, and achieve a state of optimal learning and performance. Click on "heartmath" link for more information. Email Joy for a demonstration and practice session. What's great about this technique is that you can do it anywhere... it's inconspicuous and can be done with only 5 minutes!! Who can afford NOT to learn this????