Robert Bresson
I dragged my husband out of bed last Saturday to see the hot air balloons take off for the annual running of the Preakness. This would seem like nothing out of the ordinary if you didn't know that we had traveled to Albuquerque last fall and did the same thing for the Hot Air Balloon Festival, last day, and the weather prohibited the balloons from taking off.
So, this was going to be it! This was our due! We arrived at Turf Valley around 6:05am and it was a gorgeous, sunny day, with many folks gathering for the same reason. We saw some balloons inflating and joined the hundred other photographers hoping to get the perfect shot! We later learned that, once again, the weather was going to be our enemy and that the winds were too much up high, and they were blowing in the direction of the airport..... I guess I have to concede that that might have resulted in some difficulties... planes and hot air balloons......
Still, due to the graciousness of the pilots, a handful did inflate their balloons so folks would not be totally defeated. I managed to shoot 58 pictures, regardless... and later came home to see what I got.
What you see here, was my favorite.... while I was thinking that I'd get the beauty of the inside of the balloon...and it was a very colorful balloon, what I loved far more was the shadow of other photographers on the outside of the balloon..... what might never have been seen is the "balloon's perspective."
How many times in life do you think you know for sure what someone else is thinking or judging, when, after some exploration and dialogue, find to be something different! Practice seeing another perspective..... you never know what shadows may be revealed and what miracles may appear!