I've been reading "The Power of TED:" by David Emerald who speaks about The Empowerment Dynamic vs. the attitude of Victim. So often, the results we achieve are a result of what we choose to focus on, and the steps we take or not, to move in the direction of our dreams.
So what does all of this have to do with this picture? Well, from a superficial vantage point, it looks like one step in the direction of "relief," could be ominous! Yet, what if we were to change our view?? Perhaps as we get closer to our edge, we'll notice a step we hadn't seen previously..... maybe there's a soft landing..... or a parachute..... or wings to help us fly...........
In 2011, I wish you the power to vision your dreams, the courage to take baby steps to move forward, despite perceived obstacles, and success realized in the pursuit of your passion and purpose! I know you will soar!