Modeling an esteemed colleague’s practice, I don’t set goals for the new year, but I do set an intention/ theme. Last year, my intention was expansiveness. I fulfilled that intention by traveling to Greece, Iceland, and to the Navajo Slot Canyons of Arizona. I hired a book coach. And I accepted the President-Elect role for the International Coach Federation Maryland Chapter. In addition, I succeeded in the greater distribution ofView-Changer Cards through a national training company.
This year, my theme is lightness. What do I mean by that? When I think of being “lighter,” I think of carrying less weight. Yes, I do mean physical weight, but it’s much more than that. As I work with my clients, I notice so many of us carry our definition of being responsible to the extreme. Many of us literally carry the world on our shoulders instead of letting go, saying “no,” or asking for help. My intention for the year is to be more discriminating about what I say “yes” to and to make sure that my “yes’s” align with what is most important to me.
As a “giver,” I am not well practiced at receiving. It is a work in progress for me to admit that I can’t do it all, nor is it healthy to think I can. Asking for help provides an opportunity for others to shine and for me to be more efficient in doing what only I can do and enjoy doing.
Lightness also means letting go of judgment, both for myself and for others. I don’t know about you, but for me, when I start to judge, which I most often recognize by my frustration level and a series of “should” statements, I feel a heaviness and feel stuck. If I can stay curious, keep things in perspective, and even laugh as appropriate, my energy lifts up and I can see more constructive possibilities. As perhaps you’ve noticed, when your energy is down, the possibilities you see seem negative. There’s a reason for that - it’s impossible to see positive, creative outcomes when you are feeling low.
I hope you will join me in my journey toward lightness.